Copyright © 2015 by Cathyann Jules All Rights Reserved. This Book Or Any Portion Thereof May Not Be Reproduced Or Used In Any Manner Whatsoever Without The Express Written Permission Of The Publisher Except For The Use Of Brief Quotations In A Book Review. When I was about 7 I thought I knew all about life. "Red Light, Green Light, 1-2-3, I Got You Keda!!" "No You Cheated Cathyann!" "Leeann I Saw You Move Too." "Oh My God I'm Not Playing Anymore!" What I wanted to be, my big dreams and all the problems there was to be. I hoped that things would change. "No Daddy Leave Mommy Alone! Please Stop Hitting Her!" That my mom would be accepted for who she is, that my family would get along and we could all love and support each other. Being older now I can see that if things were different maybe I would of turned out just a little better. Let's go to my past with me and take a look at my future in the long run and tell me what you think. In my Bittersweet-Life.