This is my first X reader, so please don't hate. It is about a girl (you) who made a deal with a man by the name of Darkiplier, Markiplier's evil side. You were originally going to be used as a sacrifice until Dark thought of you as something more. Also, there is another alter ego that feels that you are also something more than a sacrifice. This is a X reader that has romance, drama, and, hopefully, heart racing moments.
Also, I DO NOT OWN THE ARTWORK. The only artwork is the cover though. I do not own it. Yeah, I'm not a really good drawer. Anyway, thank you and bye! :) Also, there is a sequel! It tis called "Something Dangerous". Yeah, I kind of put a thousand authors notes saying that there is a sequel, so... sorry for annoying you. I had one person complain to me saying, "Stop saying that you have a flippin sequel! Everybody understands that you have one!" So, ever since then I have tried to be less annoying. And these few sentences just ruined it for me.....ANYWAY, ENJOY THE STORY!!!
A long lost family is separated for eternity, all in heaven but one still stands. A brave girl gets bullied everyday until they take it to far. Braking the one most precious thing in her life, her body crumbles. Will she still keep moving with the help of some turtles? Or will she break and die right there in the middle of New York.
The ending lies between the readers grasp. Decide endings and keep the story moving. It depends on you, you are the readers only hope to becoming real.... alive.... and free....