27 parts Complete MatureIn the world where all hopes of humanity are lost to the Primordial beings' reawakening, known as Tyrants, the warriors of humanity, Operation Squad, rose to protect humanity. In this world, after ages, in a sudden appearance of a Tyrant, a girl named Madelyn Spencer, just lost her parents. Luckily, her brother and friend survive, however, chaos and destruction around made them lose their hope, and Madelyn was almost about to lose her life. But, suddenly, someone saves her, who brings a meaning in her life.
A warrior of Humanity, an Operation Squad member, who instilled life in living-dead girl and her companions, and their war against the Tyrants who are striking back to reclaim Earth by spreading Tyranny. What happens? Lets see.
Warning: May be triggering for some audience. Reader discretion is advised.
(An inspiration from Attack on Titan (Shingeki No Kyojin) by Hajime Isayama, and Dark Knight Trilogy by Christopher Nolan and team, and many more)