Disclaimer; This is not your average high school story. This never was intended to and hopefully never will be. You always hear about the popular girl that dates the popular boy. And his friends that play some sport. And the queen bees minions. And the girl that seems to be average; just like us, but ends up just getting the guy they've been neighbors with since they were toddlers. But what about us? What about the people who don't go to school dances because they would rather be watching movies with a friend so they end up missing the big fight that took place. Or the ones who have the so called lame jobs that no cute girl wants to work at. What about the people who don't have cancer and don't fall in love with a boy who only has one organic leg. The ones who's story isn't as interesting to read. The 'extras' in the movie. The ones that don't have the happiest ending. Well let me tell you, we are interesting to read about. We are worth writing a novel about, and I hope and pray oh so dearly that you'll find this interesting enough to continue reading So that's what I'm going to do. My name is Cassie Drake and this is our story. (BOOK ONE OF ESSAY SERIES)All Rights Reserved