They know it was me, they know I stole it.
No matter what they can't get it back, never.
I'm doing this for them, for everyone.
I have to, but will I be able too hold her back, hold back the wolf inside me.
If I let you look into my eyes you would see it. See my soul, my magic, my power, my differences.
The eyes are the doors to the soul, be careful with who you let in...
«so will you answer the question, what are you doing here?» Henrik asked now getting sick of waiting.
«no, I can't. It will put you all in danger, more than I've already put you in by coming to you're house.» off course he didn't believe me, I know I wouldn't, but all I were saying was true.
«com on, you kind of have to now.» said Tom.
Why wouldn't they just give me food and let me run again.
«I can't, maybe later but not now.» I said hoping they would understand.
«okay, but you have to answer all of the rest.» said Anna. «I will.»
«are you from the government?» asked Henrik.
«no.» was my answer, it was more the opposite.
«do you live in the town?» was the next question.
«yes, but I haven't been there in months.» I said.
«did you leave your family to them?» the question I were scared of.
Malia bor innestengt og har nesten aldri trakket ut i den virkelige verdenen. Byens kriminalitet øker og faren for kidnapping er stor.
Derfor har faren skrevet ned tre enkle regler:
1. Ikke slipp inn noen du ikke kjenner inn i huset
2. Om noen kommer inn, husk å ha mobilen ved deg
3. Gjem deg og ikke si ett eneste ord
3 enkle regler men likevel klarer hun å
Bryte de en etter en..
En litt annerledes klisje med mye action og drama&l
OBS: ikke les om du ikke tåler stygt ordbruk, vold og seksuelle scener.
#1 i Romantikk 20. Januar 2021