This is a short-story (fiction) about 9/11. I was greatly affected by 9/11, and I was inspired to write a story about it. "There was a time when you could get onto an airplane without going through security. There was a time when soldiers didn't deploy for so long. There was a time when soldiers died of tragic accidents not vicious attacks. There was a time when you could flip on the news and not hear about terrorists. There was a time when you could look up at two, identical towers in New York City and stare in awe. There was a time when military bases were open to the public. There was a time when little boys and little girls didn't have to hear about what great heroes their dads were (whom they never met). There was a time when September 11 was just another day not a tragedy. There was a time when no Muslim or Middle-easterner faced as much prejudice as today. There was a time when our country wasn't asking 'what next?'. There was a time when our country wasn't scared."