It takes a good hearted, brave person to admit when they've done wrong. I have done wrong. Sometimes even I am afraid to admit when I've messed up. My friend back in California messed up multiple times, and were going to. What he did wrong was recklessly ignoring the consequences and never said a word about his faults. Now I've learned and I've loved, I've slipped up and hated. I learned that life is a crazy ass hell ride to the end. I learned that love is a force unbreakable until you give up on it. I have fallen before into the deepest of trenches but managed to pull myself out with a single glint of light. I have put judgement upon others good and or bad. Life is going to make or brake you, and you decide which road your going to go down. There will be obstacles and courses to overcome and there will be those who stand by you through thin ice, but it is up to you were your life is going to end up.
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