"It was the most beautiful spring. The cherry trees were blooming so beautiful that everyone's eyes were shining, a shine that I never seen before, like they were in cage in the winter and now they were finally feeling, for such a long time the warm of the sunlight, but I can't see or feel it. To make this moment unforgivable, I hear a sound, a melodic sound, it was a flute sound. It was a elegant and docile,it was like the wind sound, but more rhythmic. It made me feel full in my heart, the same feeling like everyone felt in that spring. I followed the sound, as far I go after it, more brighter became and for a moment all became white,I became blind.
I woke up suddenly, breathing heavily like I have never did before. I heard a beep-beep sound, I had something in my mouth that helped me breath more easily. A drip was close to me and in desk was about 15 different medicine. It was a grey room, I never did left. I didn't find the spring I have been searching for a long time.
Was all just a dream?"