Zack Macoy along with a team of renegade soldiers are sent to their home world, planet Earth. After abandoning it twenty years ago due to a meteor storm. That had torn Earth to shreds. The single event that drove mankind to the brim edges of extinction. Had claimed millions upon billions of lives, Zack, being one of the victims of the catastrophic event, is being sent back home. Returning home with a hand picked squad to retrieve a cure. Said to be the solution to the Mendium virus that plagues their new home world, planet Noid. Although the mission seems easy, Zack and his companions only have less than twenty-four hours until Earths sun dies. Also they have a few guests waiting for them back home. Should Zack and his team fail their mission, mankind will slowly wither away into the meek shadows of time and space. The clock is ticking, every action counts. Yet even as time counts down, so does the hidden secret. A secret that has the answers to everything, the reason why life rolls on the way it does. They have the tools that could possible undo all that has been made wrong. But all solutions have a cost that must be paid.