Based on the science-fiction media franchise "Gundam". This is an original MSG series created by me. If you are unfamiliar with anything "Gundam" related, there is a glossary at the very beginning of the story, for anything you may not understand. It is the Aquarian Age 87(A.A. 87), named for the new technological innovations that have appeared. War in this world has not been a problem for the past 200 years until terrorists occupies one of the various space colonies and claim it as their own. Kit Flagg, an engineer-in-training, was on this colony during this time working on a project, the TGMS-21 "Delenda est" Gundam. As he fights his way through the terrorists, he has many factors to consider. Where to hide his location, where to find supplies to repair the Gundam, trusting his newfound allies.....escaping. Most of all, he wonders why a mobile suit with such immense power was created.