Lumen is a traverser, one of the rare few people around the world who unwittingly travels to Shado, an eerie dream dimension, in their sleep. When Lumen's two traverser friend get into a car accident, leaving one in a coma, unable to wake from Shado, they follow clues left in Lumen's mother's journals to find a safe haven. When they get there, the inhabitants are convinced that Lumen's power over light means she is meant to defeat Daniel, who rips traversers from their physical bodies in an attempt to attach himself and escape into the waking world. "I am loving this book like so freakin much... It's a really unique idea and you are a brilliant writer :)" - Bubbl3gumm "Oh, this is going to be a good story, I can tell. Just from the way you described the first scene, I find myself intrigued as to where the story will go from there. You described the people and the surrounding area beautifully. Even without the illustration on the first page, I could picture it perfectly in my head. I'm definitely going to be reading this story from start to finish." -Jesterspank "It certainly deserved the vote! Fantastic read, very intriguing." -BooksAndIAreOne "I really liked- I mean loved your book Shado. It's very amazing and the plot is... Well it's also very amazing, can't wait for the next update. I'll stay tuned." -CandyDragon Best rating: #327 in fantasy! Full version on Amazon!