Chapter 1
"First Darkness"
"Oh please, oh please!" said Andrea for she was dared to go down the
steps of the dark basement."Hahaha!, your a scaredy cat sis!" commented Andre. Andrea made a huge fist and shouted angrily "I am not scared Andre!" then she took a short sigh.That moment little did Andre know that Andrea was already at the first stair, Andrea was carrying a box full of maintenence gloves which was requested by her teacher.She think positive things in her mind and ty to banish her fear in the dark.All of a sudden she heard or she felt something or maybe someone behind her, Andrea looked around there was no one.So she place the box on one of the shelfs, but she heard a short whisper.A whisper saying her name!."Andrea, Andrea", she was terribly terrified so she gave a reply."Who is that", it was odd that no one answered. She heard steps behind her then she tried to turn her head and see who he/she was.In great surprise it was her nasty brother."Andre, you sacred me to death!"