Midnight blue eyes fluttered open to meet the opposite shade of sky, an overcast vision dotted with stormy grey clouds. The wind blew softly, carrying strands of gold away from a pale face, framing it in gentle, billowing curves. A girl lay alone in the middle of a corn field, dressed in nothing but a pale grey slip that nearly matched the hue of the overlying clouds, her limbs splayed out as though someone had simply dropped her there. Her eyes blinked once more - and then she was sitting up, her expression flashing with concern, confusion, and then a dull ache of realization: she couldn't remember a single thing about herself, save for her name and age. Evangeline Carter, her weary mind supplied, and of eighteen years. Other than that, she couldn't remember a single thing about herself, the life she had lived thus far - or even how she'd managed to find herself in the middle of a corn field, for that matter.
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