" I can't be a hero "
"of course you can, you are more deserving to be one then all of us! "
"if I'm ment to be a hero, why do I see so much red, and so much pain that I've caused others, if I'm right, hero's are, good, and last time I checked, I'm a.. a freak, no,,,, no I'm a monster...... I'm.... I'm a threat to all of humanity....... I'm dangerous,.... I don't belong with you or anyone,....... I deserve to be alone, locked up, unseen by man or any one "
" your not a freak, or a monster, your not a threat and you are not dangerous, you, deserve to be here with us, you are a hero, you are an inspiration to all of man kind, you are Amber the one that holds us all together, when we are ready to fall apart, you are an Avenger !"