I was only 9 i was usually a happy boy but i have a big nose so people called me spuidy the willy i hated it i just wanted to be normal i asked my mum if i could get surgery she said no because she was saving up to get a new tit because my dad drank all my milk and sucked it dry so i had to drink this wierd thing called milk but it was in a bottle and from pigs witch explains my nose by the way my mum is 51 my dad jumped of a roof and broke his finger and bled to death i wanted to be just like my dad so i decided to set out to the park in the morning and live in the girls bathroom then swirly myself till i died so i set out in the morning i went to the girls bathroom And before i got to the toilet i sore a man he looked about 10 he said hay little boy im going to rape you thats when I realised it was my dad i said yes sir and then well lets not get into that and thats how i diedAll Rights Reserved