Cara Delevingne, one of the famous and in demand actress in the world, also known as Queen D, the life of a party, best friends with almost everyone, she's simply amazing..with her unique personality it's very hard not to fall in love with her, she gets what she wants or not?
She have one of the most beautiful face in the world, she's famous, rich and sexy. She can make gay men straight and can turn straight girls gay for her. She's almost the face of every brand of clothing and magazines. Everybody thinks she have everything that she needs but the truth is? She don't.
Its ironic how the girl we all thought is happy, is really hurt inside. The girl who we thought has everything, simply cannot have what she really wants. The girl who is love by everyone, cannot be love by the one that she loves.
How can THE Cara Delevingne win her heart?
How can she make her bestfriend Kendall Jenner love her the way she wanted?
Will Kenny be able to reciprocate her bestfriends feelings?