The story revolves around a girl named Valerie "Val" Collins who met the Harries twins– Finnegan "Finn" Harries and Jackson "Jack" Harries– at Playlist Live in Orlando. Finn and Val hit it off well and soon enough, Finn eventually mustered up the courage to ask her to be his. Unable to deny his incredible personality and drop-dead good looks, she accepted. A week into the relationship, the twins were told to get back to London. Turns out their grandfather had been diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. The couple promises to keep in contact and take every opportunity they get to communicate with each other. But what happens when the twins' grandfather dies and Finn stops answering Val's calls; stops replying to her emails and letters; and practically wipes himself out of her world? Will Val still be able to keep her sanity in check? Will Finn be able to snap back to reality and realize that he's neglecting the people who are most important to him? If you wanna find out, then read on and enjoy ;)
2 parts