As the words leave her lips deciding my fate
a jolt of emotions sprout inside me
One simple word
One simple word
she declares it as if the sun shines behind her
gleaming into a glorious light
My mind was racing with a billion thoughts
I slowly calm myself down
A sigh of relief comes out of my lungs
My brain replays that word over and over
like a song stuck on repeat
One simple word
One simple word
All of the sudden my heart stops
a flurry of negative thoughts
Break the barrier that is guarding my joy
What if?
What if?
Is all I can seem to hear
I take one big deep breath
I begin to look at the glass have full instead
of half empty
My happiness bubbles up like when you put bubbles in a bath
My journey is almost over
I feel like it has only been ten minutes
since that word left her lips
One simple word
One simple word
I look at myself today
Not seeing that girl who began the journey
But seeing a girl who has a better understanding
Of the world
This never would have happened
If I never heard that
One simple word
That simple word