31 parti Completa Dallon Weekes hates flowers. He also coincidentally owns a flower shop, which will look great on his college application letters (which he's sent in to many schools and has received absolutely no feedback whatsoever, from anybody). He's swimming in debt with only a flower shop to provide income, so long story short things aren't going as well as he'd planned. But the guy hellbent on revenge for his cheating ex with poison ivy in his pockets might convince him that it's okay.
And Brendon Urie just got cheated on. His (ex) partner is allergic to flowers, which he plans to throw through his bedroom window (since he lives right next to him), and the best flower shop around, according to Google, is Dallon's. He's not sure how he's going to break a window with a plastic case full of flowers and poison ivy, but as soon as Dallon moves in down the street, there's no harm in missing if it means he gets to see him again.