(of a guest or new arrival) not gladly received.
"guards kept out unwelcome visitors"
• synonyms: unwanted, uninvited, unaccepted, excluded, rejected
"I was made to feel unwelcome"
not much needed or desired.
"unwelcome attentions from men"
• synonyms: undesirable, undesired, unpopular, unfortunate, disappointing, upsetting, distressing, disagreeable, displeasing; regrettable, deplorable, objectionable, lamentable
"even a small increase is unwelcome"
"Aren't you afraid?"
"Of what? Dying?"
"Yes, exactly that."
She took a moment to deliberately pick the right words in her mind because she knew he was going to ask why the moment after she answered, "No. Death is unavoidable, it's a part of life that is inescapable since birth. It's written in our very nature. The problem is that people spend too much time worrying about death and not living their lives to their fullest potential. We were born to both live and die and that seems to be forgotten somewhere along the way. I am not afraid of dying even though I could die at any given day at any given time because I'm making the most of my life and I know that something better awaits me when I go."