This is a story inspired by the last Ep of season two of the sleepover club. There are spoilers in here so warning ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jason has had a crush on Charlie since he could remember. He even gives her hints but has told no one. What will happen when she finds out? Read on and find out! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is implied that she has a crush on Jason. He also has a crush on Charlie, but tries to hide it by irritating her and the rest of the Sleepover Club girls. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sleepover club is an early 2000's Australian preteen show made for preteen girls. This story is based on season 2 which came out in 2007. (Season 1 came out 2002) Edit: This is somehow my most popular story. I thought people forgot about sleepover club. Second Edit: It is no longer my most popular story by a long shot. I am also turning this into a one shot book for both seasons. Third Edit and probably last: I'm moving the oneshots to my Australian shows oneshot book. Also I didn't realize I misspelled frienemy all these years 😅 and can't find the clean pic so the cover looks weird.All Rights Reserved