Melanie is a perfect girl in a perfect house on the pink side of the playroom. Benny is a boy who lives on the blue side . they are the opposite of each other and forbidden to cross over to the other side of the room or to break any of the society rules. they must be perfect or face the land of the broken minds, but Melanie and Bennie are anything but perfect. DISCLAIMER: this is not finished, this is never going to be finished, I am only keeping this up as a relic of the unstable Melanie obsessed 14 year old I was (now about to turn 22 and after finally seeing her live) because it's funny to me how badly written and cringey this was, also this was written before K-12 and inspired by the crybaby album and eventually I was going to expand it into the toy concept of little game by Benny, but now it just feels like a shit k-12 knockoff and directly goes against the more recent crybaby trilogy lore, anyways stream portals 💕All Rights Reserved