I'm unique beyond compare. I can do thing that no one can do. I'm faster then a bullet shout out of a gun, I'm stronger then any one on this earth I can lift five hundred men and more. My skin is like a rock that has been stuck in a iceberg for a hundred years but I'm still worm like a human should be. I'm like a wild mustang set lose and still calm like a baby when it sleeps and I have teeth that can ripe through steel like a shark rip through meat. I have eyes that can that you can't even describe. I have paw like hands but I still have hands like a human. I eat meat like a dog . I'm like a ghost at night. I can phase in an instant and phase right back. I can control the fires the waters the winds the metals the woods and the earth in my two hands. Just like a Nascar driver controls it's car. How can I be all this and still be human? Here I will tell you...