Jemma always lived in the sea. She loved it, but yearned to feel the air on her face, blowing her dark blue hair around. But the elders forbid it. They say the humans that live on land, are vile and evil. She has always felt different like she also belongs in the human world. What secrets are the elders hiding? And why? But what happens when Jemma saves a human girl and takes her up on land? Elizabeth Taylor loves living on Occulta Secretorum, an island off the coast of Maine. But something is missing. She has always loved the sea. How the waves crash into the land. How beautiful the sea can be, and how beautiful it is when drawn or painted. She has always longed to go into the salty sea. To feel the water splash against her skin. To swim with an animal called a dolphin. But the Council of Elders forbid it. They saw the true monsters are the mer-folk living in the ocean, ready to devour any unlucky human that falls into the depths of the sea. But what happens when Elizabeth takes a tumble into the ocean? With one race believing the humans are vile and dangerous and the other says the same thing about mer-folk, who are the real monsters? And what secrets are the two groups of elders hiding? Why can humans never touch the ocean water? And why can mer-folk never breathe the fresh air, above the salty sea? Read more in: Beneath the Salty Waves Who can you trust in these twisted, messed up worlds?All Rights Reserved
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