7 parts Ongoing [Book 2]
Following the funeral of his father, Jeonghan goes to Kyoto to see Raki, whom had been there for her grandparents.
Days there was like falling in love over and over again. Like coming home and nothing else would matter because you are, home, everyday as they spent it together, one became one's own home.
But, knowing a thing or two about real life, Jeonghan knew that bliss wasn't linear. Back his home, when he had even barely grieved for one awful occurrence, something of great outcome came next.
Jeonghan flew back home along with Raki, willingly leaving the content life she had made with her grandparents just so she could be there for him. However, with so many conflicting things to deal with, and the outturn of feelings being twisted and tousled, Jeonghan failed to recognize what really mattered, and had lost it before he could even get a grip.