Sonic the Hedgehog, a Teenage Hedgehog boy, lives on Planet Avalon, a Planet filled with every alien race living here called Mobians (A term for Avalon's inhabitants). He along with Tails, Sally and Elias are living mild life until the Malovent Criminal Empire called the Egg Empire led a revolt against Avalon. Sonic and the Knothole Freedom Fighters must travel across Avalon to stop the Egg Empire led by the evil Dr. Eggman Ivo Robotnik. Sonic isn't the only person who has powers so legendary, but also 2 boys from Corellia, Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel, who lost their parents to another evil organization called the Order of the Black Circle. Sonic along with Mighty, Ray, Tails, Sally, Elias and their friends must save not only Avalon, but also the entire Solar System from both evil forces.
Characters are owned by SEGA, Archie, Veteran Comic Writer Ken Penders, Comic Veteran Karl Bollers and Archie Comics Expert Writer Angelo Decesare.
Special Thanks to Nintendo, Square Enix, Capcom, Namco Bandai Games, Sonic Team, LucasFilms, LucasArts and Rainbow S.r.l.
Ella is falling apart trying to live a "perfect" high school life. Then she meets Ren, who can see past her scars. Suddenly perfection isn't her only option.
Ella Volkov is a gifted music student, but she's depressed and starting to crack under the pressure of high school. Her overbearing father won't even let her choose what instrument she plays. Then she finds herself alone at a party with Ren, her best friend's crush. She'd always thought he was rude, but after that night he's all Ella can think about. Now she's trapped. If Ella dates Ren, it will ruin her friendship with Jenny. But if she stays true to Jenny, she's losing the one person who can see past her scars. It's up to Ella to decide if she will forge her own path, or stay in the "perfect" box designed for her...
Content and/or Trigger Warning: depression, anxiety, self-harm, violence, sexual assault.
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