Sapphire had moved to a small town in Home World, in the earth colonies. Sapphire was your average smart girl. Shy, a klutz, 4.35 GPA, but definitely not weak. She had moved into this new town with her mom to start new. Also, her mom was a doctor so she was almost never home. Sapphire didn't mind, because the time they did spend together made up for it. I'm talking about take out Chinese and watching movies on pirate websites.
Ruby is the stand out gem. She's buff, butch, you can tell my looking at her that you don't want to mess around with her. But if you take a close look-she's a midget. Aka she's hard to be taken seriously. Besides the fact that she's the size of a smurf (a/n not really lmao) she was super popular and well-liked. She even had a loving girlfriend. Morganite. Things haven't been going to steady though...
When Sapphire moves into town, she immediately noticed Ruby.
"How could you not?" -Sapphire
"Alright have fun" -Sapphire
Sapphire seemed to like Ruby, and likewise for the little red rebel. Buuuuuut, there's an old lover that gets in the way and could be a threat. Will these two cuties fall desperately in love, or will the jealous ex be a bigger threat then before noticed? STAY TUNED
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
social media & irl
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