400 years ago there was a small village named Temonia named after the queen at the time. There lived good town folks that kept Temonia up and running, but temonia was no ordinary town. For years they lived in fear because of the monsters and dragons that burned down their homes and devoured their crops in flames. Then came forth the slayer organization, full of the strongest and most talented individuals known to man suited to kill a dragon and stop the terror that mocked their land. All were strong but one man stood out from the rest. One man, name unknown, in his legendary tales, said to have slain the mother dragon and brought light to the darkness. After a while, legends turned into fantasies and the heroic battle of the dragons died down, but not for long. Since then, all calmed down and life went back to normal. Buildings were made and technology skyrocketed. All was well until it happened. Fire fell from the sky, buildings burned to ashes, families separated, people going into hiding, and bodies being devoured. Those who got a glimpse of the terror believed the dragons came to destroy the human race for the sins they committed...but they weren't only dragons, there were also Beasts. Unpleasant creatures set out to destroy and take revenge on Temonia. That's where I come in. Hey, my name is Lee Fong, otherwise known as the Beast Slayer. I slay beast for a living and won't stop until every one of those things is dead at my feet.
Agatha es capitana de la FCE (FEDERACION CRIMINALISTA ENCUBIERTO), esta federacion se encarga de preparar a niños desde pequeños, para después atrapar a los peores criminales, ella es la mejor mujer en combate cuerpo a cuerpo, encubierto, en armas y la mejor en escabullirse, la palabra letalidad es uno de sus tantos apodos, tiene una vida "perfecta", pero en una mision a RUSIA donde tiene que seducir al hijo del actual LIDER de la mafia rusa. DESCUBRIRÁ cosas que cambiaran su perfecta vida y se desencadenará el infierno, el mundo debe estar preparándose PARA ELLA Y SU BELLEZA QUE SON SINONIMO DE INFIERNO.
Pasado con secretos.
Un legado poderoso y sangriento.
Mentiras de las personas más cercanas.
Venganza y engaño.
Atraccion y un enemies to lover's.
La vida "perfecta" de Agatha depende de un hilo.
Portada creada por: Alexandra Mendez