In a world where robots have taken over human bodies and true human colonies are rare, everyone is needed to fight - even the youngest of us. When 16 year old Luna gets captured in battle by the robots for conversion, her platoon deems her deceased, for not a single mind has ever survived the conversion: the insertion of a robot chip into the base of the skull and the process of a heartless robot taking over the mind and body, wiping the human mind from existence. But Luna's insertion goes wrong, she was able to control the robot chip and live a half-robot half-human life in the robot camps. After 3 years of emotionless hell, she purposely gets captured by her old platoon, returning home to her brother and her old friends. But there is one problem - they believe Luna is a robot, incapable of emotion. So when she expresses her joy at returning they are immediately suspicious of a new breed of robot - one that can fake emotion. Luna must convince them of her true emotions before they decide that she must be terminated. Yeah, good luck Luna.
8 parts