Hey guys, I'm Angel aka depressedkitty. I've battled with every struggle my character Jade has. In this story Jade has many mental disorders. She is depressed, anorexic, bulimic, and self harms. But this story isn't completely sad. Jade soon finds Skylar, the new boy at Charlotte High School. He is different from the other boys, and Jade takes notice. So let's introduce you to Jade... She is a semi Emo 16 year old with long straight dark brown hair and piercing green eyes. Her favorite band is scary kids scaring kids. She is an heterosexual female and just wants to feel loved. Her parents are never home and she only has her best friend Winter to keep her company, which isn't very often as to Winter also has her struggles. Interested? Read on to learn more about Jade, Winter, and Skylar.
•be safe, depressedkitty•