In A Galaxy, On A Planet Quite Close...
After Ben "Kylo Ren" Solo was conquered by the newfound Jedi, Rey. The Supreme Leader abandoned his apprentice and moved onto another being on the home planet of Penscra.
Once Ben recognized he was no longer needed, he looked for guidance in his mother, General Leia Organa.
Therefore, being sent to train with Jedi Master, Uncle Luke Skywalker and Rey.
Joined together, Luke, Leia, Rey, Ben and an old friend of theirs, Finn, return to Naboo serving the Royal Court.
Hence, Luke sees the light within the Royal Family and indoctrinates with them, rebuilding the force and training with younglings.
As the light shines brighter, the darkness grows stronger.
Where there is light, there will always be darkness...
But will there be a balance...?
After the Battle of Exegol, the First Order is severely crippled, and peace for the galaxy almost seems within reach. Rey Skywalker, Finn, and Poe Dameron all face uncertain futures following their triumph over Dark Side.
But the Dark Side is never truly gone. A new threat has slowly been gaining power in the forgotten corners of the galaxy. Led by the Dark Jedi Morroth, this new group could lead the galaxy back into darkness. Their first stop: Zularsa, a remote world on the edge of the galaxy with seemingly nothing-or no one-of note. While Poe helps to map the future of the Resistance, and Finn meets with a mysterious old alien from an era long gone, Rey and a small band of her friends go to Zularsa. But they will find more than new friends-and enemies-on this small world. A great danger is coming.
And Rey can't face it alone.