A Prince Must have Class. Style. A Prince Must Address the Commoners without fear. He shall master all things. He shall not have a trace of ink on his body. Or any metal pieces in his face. He should be healthy, with a managed diet. And at age 25, he is to be married. It is a royal demand. He then will be ranked as king, his spouse queen. And he will rule all of England, with a fair Maiden by his side. But That's not How Louis would like it. He wasn't born into royalties, he was willed into at his mother's unkindly death. And over the past 4 years of living with his Great Aunt Clara, he was raised to be Louis, Prince of England. And with Duke Liam of York, Duke Zayn Cambridge, and Prince Niall of Ireland, he will be forced into Marriage. As long as the other side of the family doesn't over run him in his plans. The Styles. Perfect, Posh, all with a stubborn son named Harry. With more secrets than none. And as Louis was once a normal boy, he attempts to show Harry normality. Which may or may not interfere with his possible bride to be. Harry's secrets being revealed by Louis, forcing him into an unholy friendship. Not of Proper Princes, but Neither boy is 'A Proper Prince'