Silent Heart, five years ago, was known to the world as a minor cover band with a few thousand followers on YouTube, Penny being one of them. They're hoping that these followers will help them gain traction on a new single they're about to drop, and Penny, known to them as KoalaBear722, is the first to say how amazing their song is. And, magically, they get her email off of YouTube, striking up an email chain that never ends.
Fast forward five years, and thousands of emails later, they're now more eager than ever to find out who KoalaBear722 is, especially since not long after her comment, they were signed to a record label. Penny wants nothing more than to keep silent about her alias, but when she's offered a temporary job to join them on a year-long tour and design a lot for them and others in the label, she has to take it. As if keeping the secret wasn't hard enough. Will she keep silent or finally reveal her secret identity?
WARNING: Mild cussing and light sexual references (nothing steamy for the younger ones, just mentions of kissing and groping)