Stiles has been needing a job, and asks his friend Cora for help. She tells him her brother owns a strip joint, and that she's sure she can get him a job.
Stiles has no experience, but needs a job desperately, and knows strippers can make pretty good money, so, Cora tells him to do a little try-out for her, and to both of their shock, he does great. She calls up Derek, who gives him the job, though reluctantly, as he has no experience.
Stiles soon meets Derek, "The Alpha," as they call him. Derek isn't rude, but he isn't exactly enthusiastic, but, he's the best stripper there, and the owner of the club, so he ends up helping Stiles out with everything.
With Derek's help and hard work, Stiles quickly becomes the most popular stripper there, apart from Derek.
It's the biggest night of the year for Stiles, a partner strip. . . With Derek. They have a planned routine and it's hot, but while on stage, they go a little off track. The crowd doesn't seem to mind, and neither do they.