Hi my names jacelyn people label me as fat and ugly well that's what they call me behind my back put when it comes for they to face me they call me bueatiful and skinny I don't really care what they call me because I know that they are just as fake as a doll I have a best boy/friend named Jaime he's know me since I was 1 were 1 year apart from each other "Jacelyn" "Coming" that my mom the one that trys to protects me from all the harm people want to do to me she not very good at doing that but she trys "Yes" "I want you to come home eminently after school" "Okay bye I'm leaving Jaime's here" "Tell him I said hi" "Okay" ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤.......hoped you guys liked the introductionAll Rights Reserved