I met her during freshman year. She stood out to me the most due to the fact that we had the exact same headphones and mostly because her teacher may have stopped his entire 'Welcoming introduction' for Ranz & I. She slowly slid it off and turned bright pink. She reminded me of my childhood. I told myself I didn't want to get into a relationship because Chicser is on the way to becoming famous, or at least that's what I like to believe. To the others, it was a goal we have yet to reach. I wanted to enjoy my youth, but I didn't dare interfere because it seemed selfish. Before the school year began I was set on writing a song. I've been working on it for much too long and soon abandoned it when we entered Starship High. I didn't have the willpower to write it at all anymore till I met her. And to think she asked me to help her write a song from the very first time I laid eyes on her, the very first time I spoke to her and the first time she only saw me as a normal person, not Owy Posadas from this soon to be famous boyband, no. Maybe that's why I fell in love with her; my own little personal goal has been restored because of her. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Vote/follow/feedback is greatly appreciated c: thankyou.All Rights Reserved