I looked up to the sky, I knew this could easily be my last moment on the planet morphgus, I struggled to get back to my feet after the century guards left me helplessly on the floor.OH!by the way I'm JoJo and I'm an imperial storm guard,usually I'm the bad guy but this story is from my point of view so I guess I'm a bit of a "goodie two shoes",let's get back to my story.I finally got to my ship when I noticed that there was some sort of a walrus waiting there, after a one minute staredown (which I won)this creature ran out to attack the century guards!It finally came back to me and we became buddies I decided to name it Jeremy(because he looked like and had moves like Jeremy Kyle)we decided to go to the matinder islands to rest, the matinder islands had great facilities so we could rest and drink this new phenomenon hot chocolate! Join us next time for part 2