*peers at you over clutter of Percy Jackson books* So YOU think your a REAL fan of the Percy Jackson series, huh? Well if you're so dam confident take this quiz. Mayeb you won't understand all the inside jokes and schist like that. Maybe you think I just spelling a cuss word wrong and it auto corrected to "schist". BAM YOU'RE WRONG. If your wondering or want to confirm that your a hardcore fan of Percy Jackson read and comment on this quiz. Do you do these things on a daily bases? *hugs panda pillow-pet* And this doesn't count if you look at the books! Yeah yeah I see you. Put it away, there you go. Now... *throws Percy Jackson movies in the furnace* begin! This book will also contain random Percy Jackson stuff, and absolute PJO junk that everyone enjoys! CLICK ON THIS BEAUTIFUL BOOK FILLED WITH LIKEMINDED FANS AND PJO SCHIST GALOR!