Wintery Heart By: Agentcodered and _clintasha_ Winterwidow story. Winter Soldier x Black Widow "I am disguised as a ballerina. As are the other girls. But none of us are dancers. No. We are assassins. Orphans. Slaves of the Red Room. By day, we dance until our heels ache and our toes bleed. By night, we spar and learn how to aim a gun. If at any point in between, you stuff up... you are punished. The Red Room demands perfection. Flaws are weaknesses. And the Red Room does not allow for weaknesses. The weak are the dead." Young Natasha knows that weaknesses are not allowed in the Red Room. But what she also knows, is that she is a weakness. And that she had a weakness. The girls in the Red Room are beaten and buffed until they are perfect. They have been stamped as orphans and shipped as unloved creatures. They are the results of the cruelty in the world. When Natasha finds herself on the brink of death, a little kindness is shown to her in the cruelest of places. But kindness is not allowed or tolerated in the Red Room. And so the only one who shows her taken from her also. "My fingers uncurl, the music has stopped."All Rights Reserved