Can you be your bias' ideal girl? And name a male celebrity that best suits your ideal type? K-idols are in the midst of attention as they revealed their own ideal type. Most stars' equable ideal type make their fans imagine how to be near to his ideal type. But don't judge a thing by just what you see since some of the stars have occasionally changed their ideal type whenever new album are released! These idols often get asked that what qualities do they look for in their ideal partner? Sometimes its answers are specific, sometimes devious, often mentioning another celebrity who is the closest to their ideal type. Around the world, fangirls have always wondered about all of them and have wanted to be getting closer to them. So, we've roundup some of your favorite star's ideal signature. The kinda girl that your bias would be attracted to? If you're a member of one fandom, these would be a list you should know. This time is only for all the ARMY out there!
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