Two different mindsets, one's got their coins set. She's the opposite of what he's attracted to and he's just the type she seducts. She's the hoe of the town and proud of it, and that's the type of female he tries to steer clear of even though he's a hoe himself. • Kelly had females lined up, which was no surprise, he just never exposed that player side of him to me. "At least I don't sell my ass for some money. Why the hell are you fuckin with some prostitute anyway?" the girl spat with a neck roll on her last sentence. "Man get out of here with that shit, she ain't selling nothing," Kelly defended. For once, I just stayed quiet which was rare for me. Especially when Kelly refers to me as 'no filter'. "Oh so she just gives it away for free? You know what? I'm done. I hope you catch whatever STD this bitch has to offer." "You might wanna take that back, cause that means you'll be contracting it too." I smiled, placing my hand on the doorframe. "Bye Anaya," I smirked wickedly.