In the small town of Beacon Hills, Winter and her two best friends Scott and Stiles live. With the help of her friend Stiles, they both work on figuring out what Scott is. After finding out, the three of them decide to keep this a secret from the outside world. Their own little secret.
But when Derek Hale comes into the picture, Winter begins to hate him with a burning passion. He's witty,rude, sarcastic and critical of her. She hates it. After finding out Derek is just like Scott, Scott and Stiles are wary but intrigued.
With Stiles being the researcher of necessary information, Scott finding away to deal with his 'gift' and Derek helping him control his urges, so that neither of them are Vulnerable to hunters, Winter begins to feel left out.
But as time progresses she begins to feel an attraction towards Mr Grumpy guts, and she wants more than ever for it to go away.
After all. He did kind of replace her.