In the second installment of the A Tale That Never Was series, Selvina Whitier, a promising actress from Toronto, finds herself in the clutches of the ruthless Peter Pan. Locked in a room with four other women, they sail across the ocean to somewhere only Pan knows of. What fate has in store for them, no one is certain.
Meanwhile, struggling to catch up to Pan, Captain Hook, Sinbad, Jack, Red Riding Hood, Cindy, Belle, Beast and Bigbad the wolf journey south to the Kingdom of Sauradia. There they hope to persuade Sinbad's cousin, Prince Aladdin, to offer aid in finally putting a stop to Peter Pan's treachery.
All the while, a menacing power spreads across the land of Faeryum, pushing it to the brink of total war.
Highest Rank: #71 in Fantasy (April 9, 2016)
Hiraeth: Return to Neverland #1 (a darlinghook fanfic)
18 parts Complete
18 parts
hiraeth - a homesickness to a home you cannot return to, or that never was
As memories of Neverland resurface, a grown-up Wendy decides to once again visit the magical island. She finds the island different than she remembers and a strange connection between herself and the pirate captain.
A Peter Pan continuation fanfiction. Modern AU.
[working on the sequel!]