Elise, an amazing pianist and optimistic girl who loves music, had an amazing life. She had a mother who taught her piano and sang to her every night and had a funny dad who told a new joke evryday. But when Elise's mother commits suicide for an unknown reason, Elise's life gets turned around. She doesn't talk a lot anymore and starts spending less and less time at home. She walk mindlessly around her town and plays piano at a local coffee shop. Faith, the owner of a run down coffee shop, is running out of money. She loves having her regulars come in everyday and seeing everyone happy in her store, but with money running low, she is desperate to keep the shop going. And her life seems to keep getting worse, because Faith finds out she is adopted. Henry, Elise's father, finds out one day his wife was found at the bottom of a river. He cries himself asleep and drinks all day. He tries to find an answer for his wife's death. These three all hurt inside, but maybe together they can heal.