The Omega's Second Chance
Části: 52 Dokončeno In Eivanna's old life she was nothing. She was nothing to her family, to her park, and even to her mate. The thing is, she doesn't deserve it, any of it, but they don't care, they'll never tell her why. They just want to weaken her until she finally breaks. The thing is she hasn't broken, she won't break. She will take everything in in order to keep everybody happy, but she's never truly known happiness or love.
Her first mate is out of her life, well sort of, and when her second one comes, who could blame her for wanting to leave. For finally putting herself first. For wanted happiness, and love. For truly wanting, craving, needing a second chance.
Now she's with someone she can love, forever. Now she's with people that make her happy, always. Although, now she has to face someone mad, greedy, and crazy enough to take that from her. Since when did they loose it? Why do they want her? You'll just have to find out.
So will trying to find answers lead to some bad answers? What happens when someone want her? What happens when two people want her? When is it her time to shine? That one I can answer, soon. As for the others, honestly, even I don't know, so read and find out.
I opened it. "Dear sweet, stupid, child. You should have stayed an Omega, now you're mother is going to end up like your father, in the grave. Then, so will you. You want to seek me out, just follow my trail, but come alone. Don't need more people you love dying do you? You don't know me but trust me you will. And seeing as those filthy, worthless, freeloaders couldn't keep you in your place, I'll have to. See you soon sweet, stupid, child."
Also in the envelope is a picture of me over the years as an Omega, and then me and Donovan. One picture was on me looking at the stars outside my old pack house during a vacation, it had writing on the back. "So beautiful, yet so stupid."