Okay so I haven't really said much about me and trust me on this there Is some stuff you all won't believe Okay so let's start with my personality: my personality is fuckin hyper as fuck I am always hyper but not when some one wakes me up in the morning then I am a real bitch seriously watch out Next is relationship: okay so am in a relationship right now sorry but yes I am with a amazing boy that is amazing yeah and I don't really know about relationship's cause I'm fuckin 12 how am I suppose to know Okay now I'm just listening stuff 1. I am 12 just said that 2. I am in 6th grade yeah 3. I have a boyfriend so back off 4. I suck my thumb like a baby ever since I was a baby (don't judge me my sister does that too so yeah) 5. I fell asleep in class once and almost cussed out at the teacher wow 6. I am hot temper(for those who don't know I get pissed off really fast so watch what you say to me) really it will be like hell here 7. I am good at baking,art class current specialAll Rights Reserved
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