Harry Styles, rich business man with his own fashion company, a massive manor with lush furniture and interior. Everything magnificent, to an extent, where he can't stand being in any lower class than him.
Niall Horan, young university student, a casual apartment, a roommate who left because of his obnoxiousness, and a carefree nature who will always prefer rum over champagne. Everything so normal, so, street smart, to an extent where he can't stand to have anything too over the top.
It's unusual how they ended up meeting each other, but it's quite normal that they absolutely loathed each other's guts. Harry couldn't stand Niall's messiness, his slumped posture, his attire, appetite. Niall couldn't stand Harry's over the top nature, his posh suits paired with ugly shirts, his disgusting and small food.
The weirdest part is, for some reason, they can't get enough of each other. But they're so different, how can they live each other's lifestyles without coming to obstacles and hurdles in which some fall behind.
Fuck all that though, right? As long as your hearts longs for your soulmate.
Well some fucks can't just be fucked.
All rights reserved. This is my book, anything strangely similar will first be questioned and then reported if taken by this book.
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Rushan Aziz x All Rights Reserved
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