Sand was grading papers as he usually does every Friday. He's flustered by all of the work his students have been doing but he payed more attention to Aidan Vickery. Sand always loved that kid he thought about how innocent he was and how adorable. Michael sighed "I love that kid.." He rubbed his forehead and grinned at the papers Aidan had tuned in. It was a pity Aidan forgot about a paper he was really looking forward to grade. When Michael was done with the papers he decided to take a nice soothing nap from all the work under his desk since that was now his home. Little did he know school was ready to start in 3 hours. The time passed quickly and sand looked at his cheap flip phone to see that it was already 7:58. He jumped up and got his things together. So for all he knows his supplies are already tidied up. Aidan was the first student to arrive carrying his binder and grinning. Michael glared at him smiling he really did love that kid. Michael thought up a diabolical plan he could use with Aidan. "Aidan would you please come over to the hallway?" "Uh.. sure.." Aidan replied back feeling uneasy. Michael closed his door leading Aidan outside over by some grass alongside the school. "Now it seems you're not doing as well in class" Aidan now shaking and trembling "W- why are we outside..?" "I'll tell you why.." Michael grinned back. "Why do you look so scared?" Aidan's face now is petrified "Wh- what did I do?" Michael leaned in for a kiss and grabbed Aidan's-All Rights Reserved