This isn't exactly how I had planned to release my first project, but the thought occurred to me that art is unorthodox. One night, I had gotten utterly trashed with my closest friends and woke to find promising and raunchy work in my possession. In a way I was releasing the demons I never knew I had and found a way to speak in a light that portrayed hope for new beginnings, tragic endings, found friendship, and forgotten love. I had to break my solemn swear of being straight edge, so for 20 nights I got inhebriated to peaks of madness and release this said "madness" on my 20th birthday.. which is today. Many of these nights were painful, morbid, and telling.
With that being said, please take this imbibing journey with me and enjoy.
Special thanks to Concrete Connie & Will+TheLife
for helping this project come true.