Damon - She's awake Stephen- What,Bonnie Bonnie- I'm right here Damon- you heard me she awake come on Stephen we don't have all week move it I need to see her it's been too long Stephen- Wait how i........ Damon - Well I don't know Stephen I'm as confused as you are Bonnie- all I want to know is how are we both alive Damon- Well I wouldn't know BONNIE lets go to Elana and try to figure something out Damon- all I want to do is see her Stephen- I think we all do Damon she's been gone for 3 in a half years Caroline- What is this Elana 's back and know one told me ever since I had the twins I've been treated like an outsider a total outside Stephen Bonnie -come on Carr you know that's not true when you had the twins you and Rick got married and moved away Caroline- We only did that so they could be protected from the stupid heretics Stephen- well you still moved caroline Caroline- well its not my fault you and Valarie are together now what was I supposed to do Stephen